Thursday, January 9, 2014

A few tips for dissertation writing

Dissertation writing is a lengthy work which requires expertise in many different components such as research work, writing skills, a sound knowledge of computer, data analysis methods and the use of the related software. However, not all students may possess all of these qualities even though they may be experts in some or the other.
This article offers some tips for dissertation writing that may help an ordinary student in dissertation writing so he/she may obtain 2:1 in the final degree.

Dissertation topic selection
The first and the most important step in starting dissertation writing is the selection of some viable free dissertation topic which should be unique and worth researching. If you are looking for a dissertation topic then the best way is to search it on internet using different search engines. While searching, you should use inverted commas to limit the search results. For example, you may type “cloud computing in banking sector in UK” and the results may let you know if someone else has already written on this particular topic. If it is not there the chances are you may pick this topic and may refine and narrow it to be more specific. For example, you may focus on “security threats of cloud computing in UK banking sector” to focus on only the cloud computing threats that may be a matter of concern for baking sector.

Dissertation proposal writing
After selecting and getting a dissertation topic approved you will be required to write a dissertation proposal. This proposal may be of only one page to 60 pages depending on your degree level and the university requirements. No matter what word count is required, the most common components of a dissertation proposal are introduction, statement of problem, aims and objectives, research questions and hypothesis, significance of study and the structure of the dissertation. So, you will require to offer brief details of these components of the proposal to get it approved.

Writing a dissertation literature review
Once the proposal is approved you should start the dissertation writing by collecting the related studies which will help you in writing the introduction and the literature review chapter. As almost every student has access to the online library databases it is much easier to find the related studies and also compile reference list. However, the disadvantage of online databases is that they may generate pretty long list of results which may not be relevant to your study. So you need to refine, improve, delimit your research findings using wild cards.

Dissertation Research methods
During the dissertation writing, the most important factor is the choice of the suitable research method for data collection. So, give due attention to choose the most suitable research method which may generate authentic results. For example, if your field of study is the impact of branding on consumer purchase behavior then you should select quantitative research method which will help you collect data from a larger population using questionnaire. However, if you are doing research on female entrepreneurship in UK then you should use semi structured interviews for collecting data from a small selected population.
Are these dissertation writing tips and ideas helpful for you? If you are not sure of any of these you may get help from our Dissertation Masters in uk which are quite affordable and reliable. Just contact the dissertation writing service uk or email us at with a few details of your dissertation writing and our Dissertation Masters will help and advice you to achieve the final degree with distinction.

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