To write an outline of your study project
is planned not only to properly declare your ideas so far as your Master’s
thesis proposal is concerned, but it also helps you to be more confident and well-versed
about the selected topic for your study project. Maximum 7-8 double-spaced
pages may be enough for your Master’sThesis Proposal.
Divided into completely developed parts,
each part with a heading, it should include:
1: Introduction.
- Introduces your Master’s Thesis proposal topic in broad terms.
- Describes your interest in the selected topic
- Clearly summarizes the background and importance of the project.
- Develops reader’s interest in the project.
2: Problem Statement or Research Question
- Describes the problem statement or the research questions that your Master’s thesis will be addressing
- The problem is raised by scholarly literature, theory, or practice that guides to further study.
- This section of Master’s thesis answers plainly and clearly to the question, “why this research was to be conducted?”
3: Literature review
- Describes the detailed questions and areas of research within the selected field.
- Locates the project within the particular “discussion” of a field. It also describes “who would be interested in your research topic in this field?
- Describes how your Master’s thesis proposal will expand, modify, or obscure the already known facts.
- For a Master’s thesis proposal, the literature review must be brief, and should be cited/incorporated only
- Must also include the most suitable sources that’s been already done on the subject.
4: Purpose Statement
- Must include a statement that starts “The main purpose of this study is…”
- Describes an obvious and concise outline of the project.
- Identifies and describes the main idea of the study.
- Depicts the methodology of study.
5: Chapter overviews.
- Depicts titles, describes what your research question is and why the suggested study material is the best available resource to answer this question properly.
6. Study Limitations
- What is not addressed in your project and why?
- Describes some weaknesses of your research approach to the selected topic?
7: Project’s Significance.
- What will be the specific contributions of the project to the field? How this project will address the research questions in the field that you recognized in your literature review? What is its importance?
8: Work plan/timeframe
9: Bibliography.
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